Letter 17: On the doorway

Behold, my own descent, my abject descent,
In Isles I do not know, and lands I cannot reign,
from blissful Blessedness, towards bearing of bane,
Out of the peace doorway, towards whole humility,
To the fullness of futility,
& perfect pain,…
Fallen without an end.
In silent void, broken yet by lament,
a bittersweet descent,
a prospect, I won’t attain,
Behold, my sweet demise,
Out of the grace of thine own eyes,
& the toll of having to remain,
fallen unmade undone,
Naked before the sun,
Searing in lifeless plain,
Behold, the downward abyss,
The mercy that I miss,
& as I reminisce,
My Demons ascertain,
I’ll wail until I wane,
& you will be my bane;
No door, therein, to bliss,
No pathway to peace, lain,
Ages shall stay like this,
spent in despair, in vain,
On this doorway, O’ Miss,
My whisper of silent strain:
I bid thee farewell, again…


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